Saturday, November 20, 2010

home? yes please.

in approximately 3 days, 21 hours, 30 minutes, and 14 seconds, i will be back in the wonderful town of Longmont, Colorado. yayyyy!!!! i freaking can't wait. living on your own is great. like GREAT. like, i'm not sure if i'll ever be able to live with my parents again. but i miss them a CRAPLOAD. and i really miss my friends. and my grandma. and everyone. so it will be tres excite! :D

things here in orem, utah are pretty grand. all i know is that there are only three weeks of school left and i have a crapload of homework to do before then. i thought i was good at procrastinating before, but i'm seriously pro at it now. and it's bad....

on another note, i got called to the munch and mingle committee in my ward. so basically i feed the ward after church every 1st and 3rd sunday's and create quality bonding time. it's a little bit stressful becuase i'm always so worried about running out of food, but so far it's gone really well. (ps i've only done it once)

well, i guess that is all i have to say for now. i should stop procastinating. so peace and blessings. peace and blessings :)
(and if you are kind of confused now please watch youtube)

Saturday, September 25, 2010

ahhh college

well, aside from deciding to start donating plasma, i am quite enjoying the college life. not much is really goin on besides school and work, but i really like both. most of my classes are dance classes; i have jazz, modern, orientation to dance, creative process, dance conditioning, and biology. so about 99% of my study time goes to biology, which is sort of kicking my butt. i just really love adjusted test scores becuase losing my scholarship becuase of the most failed class at uvu would just suck. all my dance are tons of fun tho. and i'm learning a lot about the educational and artistic sides of dance and things like that, instead of just how to dance. work is going really well too. it gets pretty slow down here at the provo wallabys (i'm at work now...shh) since we've only been here a year. its a bummer to think of all the people missing out on our delicious food. (if you're ever bored come visit me! best mashed potatoes on the planet! but seriously, we're the number one bbq in the state) it's nice tho cuz i get 99% of my biology studying done here. which i should be doing now....

everything else is goin good too. i have a really fun ward and my roomies are GREAT!! i really miss my family and friends back home, but i'm having a blast! hope everyone's doin good!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

holy. crap.

soooo....i'm moving out tomorrow. like for realsies. which makes me verrryyyy excited. and very scared. well, actually just a little bit scared. i have all my stuff packed up in my car and me and my mom will leave for utah tomorrow morning. i can't wait! :) whenever i think about all the stuff i have to do once i get there i get kind of overwhelmed i just don't think about that stuff :) i'm really excited to meet my new roommates and get all moved and stuff. and basically that is all i have to say. so goodbye :)

Sunday, August 1, 2010

hi i'm new here. my name's jordyn :)

Well hello everyone. So I'm not really sure what I'm doing cuz this is my first time blogging. But here we go...I just got back from Nauvoo, where it's about a billion degrees alll the time. I was so excited to open my car door when I got home and feel cool air! It was so much fun tho. We had a big family reunion (well, for a Boyack reunion it was actually teeny, only like 100 people), but still..this big family reunion. It was so much fun to see all my third cousins and second cousins once removed and all that good stuff :)

We also (of course) did all the fun things in Nauvoo. We took tours in all the homes and shops and saw some amazing shows. The Pageant was fantastic of course and it was so fun to see Aunt Ally and her family in it!! They did fantastic! There was also Sunset By the Mississippi, Just Plain Anna Amanda, Rendez-vous, and High Hopes and River Boats. I also found (another) love of my life :) He was one of the performing missionaries in the shows and not only did he look good on stage, but he could sing like a freaking angel. AND act, AND dance. I was sooo mad that I forgot to get a picture with him!!! I made friends with the girl who played Anna Amanda becuase, and I know most of you won't believe this, but she was actually shorter than me!!

It was a really fun trip but I'm definitely glad to be home. Fourteen hours in the car is just fourteen hours too long.